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Rigorous Instruction Supports Equity (RISE)

The Teacher and School Leader Incentive (TSL) Program is a federal grant made of 13 awards to support local education agencies in developing, enhancing, improving, and implementing human capital management systems (HCMS) that include performance-based teacher and principal compensation systems (PBCS). Each of the funded projects was designed to be concentrated in high-need schools and has the goal of increasing overall student achievement and closing the opportunity gap between low- and high-performing students. DC Public Schools is excited to announce we are the largest award winner in 2020. 

This grant will support DCPS’ newly launched Rigorous Instruction Supports Equity (RISE) initiative, which aims to provide strategic recruitment of talented educators, equity-centered professional development, robust support for new teachers, and performance-based incentive awards at our highest-need schools, which are identified in the grant as the 42 schools with a 1- or 2-star rating*.

Our 42 RISE schools represent the frontlines of DCPS' equity challenges, as they serve the students and communities most impacted by past and present systemic bias. This initiative advances the already strong work of the district under A Capital Commitment, the district’s strategic plan.

To learn more about exciting opportunities for teachers and school leaders at our RISE schools, visit

*Designated by OSSE

RISE Schools

Aiton ES
Anacostia HS
Ballou HS
Ballou STAY HS
Beers ES
Browne EC
Bunker Hill ES
C.W. Harris ES
Cardozo EC
Coolidge HS
Drew ES
Dunbar HS
Eastern HS
Eliot-Hine MS
Garfield ES
H.D. Woodson HS
Hendley ES
Houston ES
Johnson MS
Kelly Miller MS
King ES
Kramer MS
Langley ES
Leckie ES
MacFarland MS
McKinley MS
Miner ES
Moten ES
Noyes ES
Patterson ES
Ron Brown College Preparatory HS
Roosevelt HS
Roosevelt STAY HS
Simon ES
Smothers ES
Sousa MS
Stanton ES
Thomas ES
Tubman ES
Turner ES
Walker-Jones EC
Wheatley EC