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Home and Hospital Instruction

Photo of young student in bed being read to

The DCPS Home and Hospital Instruction Program (HHIP) provides interim instructional support to students who have a medically diagnosed physical or psychiatric condition that is acute or catastrophic in nature that confines them to the home or hospital for two weeks or more. 

A student is considered medically confined when there is: 

  • A medical necessity for confinement; 
  • An inability to leave home – any absence from home is infrequent, of relatively short duration, or to receive health care treatment; and 
  • Active medical treatment which interferes with daily school attendance (e.g., in-patient treatment; medical appointments that span school day hours, four to five days a week).  

The primary goal of DCPS is the removal of barriers that impede a student’s access to the educational environment. HHIP utilizes multiple modalities to keep students anchored to their classrooms and classroom teachers to the extent possible with the goal of a successful transition back to their respective school.   
If HHIP services are needed, please contact the school HHIP Designee or the school principal for more information and guidance on how to begin the HHIP referral process. For information on DCPS' HHIP policy, please see our HHIP Parent Guidebook

HHIP Referral Forms:

Form Name Completed By Process
School Request for Service School HHIP Designee Contact your school HHIP designee.
Proof of Immunization School Nurse No action for the parent.
Physician/Medical Provider Verification Form Student’s physician who is treating the confining diagnosis Secure from your school HHIP designee.
Parent Guardian Agreement Parent/guardian English
Physician/Medical Provider - School Information Release Parent/guardian English


Contact E-mail:

Contact Phone:
(202) 939-3506

For more information on special education programs and services in DCPS, please refer to the DCPS Special Education Family Guide.