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DC Public Schools

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Use of School Facilities and Grounds

To use a DCPS field, please click here.

To use a DCPS facility, please follow these steps:

  1. Fill out an Application to Use Facilities form. Applications can also be obtained at any area school or by contacting the DGS Realty Office.
  2. Secure the signature of the principal at the bottom of the form.
  3. Submit the signed form to the Department of General Services (DGS) Realty Office at at least twenty (20) working days prior to the proposed use. In some cases, the school will do this for you.
  4. Upon receipt of the application, the DGS Realty Office will respond in writing stating the terms and conditions, to include applicable fees associated with the usage. Non-DCPS Users and non-DC Government Users will be required to execute and submit an Assumption of Risk Indemnification and Waiver Form, a valid insurance certificate that meets the requirements below, and all applicable payments to the DGS Realty Office, prior to the commencement of the activity.


General Insurance Requirements

Insurance requirements will vary by organization. Specific insurance requirements will be determined when entering into a Memorandum of Agreement with DCPS or a Building Use Agreement with the Department of General Services. A summary of general insurance requirements can be found below:

  • The User must maintain a policy of commercial general liability insurance, and any other such insurance as may be deemed necessary by the District.
  • The insurance requirements will be listed as a condition of use in the usage agreement.
  • All required insurance policies must list the District as an additional insured.
  • The insurance documentation must be provided prior to use of the DCPS facility.



View the fee schedule here.

Each classroom

  • $ 35.00/day
  • $ 360.00/month

Gymnasium or Auditorium

  • children’s event: $ 70.00/day
  • adult’s event: $137.00/day
  • $480.00/month
  • Kitchen: $ 70.00/day *
  • Cafeteria: $100.00/day
  • Field/Stadium for soccer or other vigorous sport: $95.00/hour

*A DCPS Food Service worker must be on duty when food is prepared in kitchens or if kitchen equipment is used. There is an additional charge for these services. Please contact the DCPS Food Services Office for current costs at (202) 576-7400.

Payments are by money orders or certified checks ONLY made payable to the DC Treasurer.

Additional Fees:

  • Custodial overtime fee - varies (actual costs will be calculated on a per hour basis by the DGS Realty Office)
  • Security Services fee - varies according to the contracted services

Reduced Fees for School-Related Organizations

The following groups may use buildings and grounds, except leased facilities, at a reduced rate during normal hours for purposes not conflicting with the school’s operations and not generating any additional costs to DCPS:

  • PTA’s and HSA’s
  • Local School Community Boards
  • Parental and School Advisory Committees established pursuant to federal and local laws
  • City-wide education organizations or local affiliates of national educational associations
  • Organizations providing volunteer support services to the school.
  • HSA/PTA are entitled to four free meetings per year outside of the normal operating hours of their schools.

Current user fees (see above) will be charged for anyone not listed above.


Security for Events

All applications will be submitted to the DCPS Security Office for an assessment of the required security services in regards to the proposed use of DCPS buildings and grounds. Applications received by the DCPS Security Office less than five (5) working days prior to the proposed use will not be processed, which may jeopardize the requested use.


Artificial Turf Field Safety

In partnership with DCPS, DGS is dedicated to ensuring the safety of all District residents and users of DCPS' artificial turf fields. Once a year GMAX testing is conducted to ensure the playing surface of the fields is impact-safe for users. GMAX is the standard testing method developed to determine the shock attenuation of artificial and natural turf athletic fields. For School Year 2018-2019, the testing dates are June 17th through June 28th. During the testing phase, fields will remain open for use, but there may be temporary limited access or restricted activity. If repair is deemed necessary, fields will be closed for one week during repair and retesting. DCPS appreciates the patience of students, parents, families, and community permit holders during testing times. For more information, please visit:


Prohibited Uses of Buildings and Grounds

The following will NOT be permitted in any school facility at any time:

  • smoking
  • alcoholic beverages
  • gambling
  • discrimination against any person on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, citizenship status, political affiliation, handicapped condition, or any other basis of unlawful discrimination under the laws of the District of Columbia
  • any purpose that violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution
  • no user or lessee shall be permitted to erect a sign on the exterior of the premises without prior written approval of the Chancellor



For additional information regarding vacant/closed school facilities, you may contact the Department General Services on (202) 727-2800 or TTY: (202) 724-4400.