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Early Childhood Education

At DCPS, we believe that all young children are capable and competent learners, and their voices and ideas are welcomed and valued in our classrooms. In DCPS’ Pre-K classrooms children learn through a combination of play, teacher-led lessons, and engaging learning experiences. Classrooms are designed to promote children’s active engagement with the environment, and teachers design learning experiences to promote children’s language development, critical thinking skills, creativity, and early academic skills to ensure that children are well prepared for success in kindergarten and beyond.


Enroll today! Visit for more information about enrolling in Pre-K at DCPS and submit your application through the My School DC lottery.


Our Program

  • DCPS offers full-day (6.5-7 hours) programming for Pre-K.
  • Many schools offer before care and aftercare services. Children enrolled in afterschool programming receive a free supper as part of the program. Program costs are determined based on a sliding fee scale. Visit our Afterschool Programs page for more information.
  • DCPS is proud to support approximately 400 Pre-K classrooms, including 63 special education classrooms across 80 elementary schools.
  • There are approximately 6,000 children enrolled in Pre-K across our schools.
  • Pre-K 3 classrooms have a maximum of 16 children to two adults. Pre-K 4 classrooms have a maximum of 20 children to two adults.


Our Curriculum & Assessment

  • DCPS Pre-K classrooms utilize Creative Curriculum© which includes developmentally appropriate goals and objectives for children within four areas of development: social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language and are aligned to the DC Early Learning Standards.
  • All Pre-K programs include recess, rest time, breakfast and lunch, whole group and small group lessons, as well as opportunities for child-directed play.
  • Pre-K programs participate in special subject classes such as: art, music and physical education.
  • DCPS Pre-K classrooms also implement the Building Blocks math curriculum - a nationally recognized, evidence-based curriculum that develops young children’s early mathematical knowledge by embedding mathematical learning throughout the day through hands-on, playful learning experiences. The Building Blocks curriculum is designed to help young children develop important thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving skills while also building their understanding in the core areas of early math learning.
  • Throughout the day, teachers observe children and gather information about their skills and understandings to guide their planning. These observations, along with children’s work, are documented in our assessment platform Teaching Strategies GOLD. Three times a year, using the information captured in GOLD©, teachers determine where each child is in their development in a variety of objectives or standards and share the information with families.
  • DCPS proudly offers Spanish dual-language instruction in Pre-K at the following schools: Bancroft, Bruce-Monroe, Cleveland, Houston, Marie Reed, Oyster-Adams, Powell, and Chisholm.


Our Staff

  • All DCPS Pre-K teachers are fully certified and have at least a bachelor's degree in early childhood education or a related field. Many of our Pre-K teachers have advanced degrees.
  • All Assistant Teachers have an associate's degree or a minimum of 48 hours of college credit.
  • Teachers receive coaching and ongoing professional development throughout the year.


Our Student Outcomes

  • More than 92 percent of Pre-K students at DCPS are meeting, or exceeding, widely held developmental expectations upon leaving Pre-K.
  • Children who enroll in DCPS Pre-K programs outperform national literacy averages upon kindergarten entry.


Head Start

DCPS offers Head Start at six of our elementary schools in Wards 7 and 8 – CW Harris, Hendley, Kimball, ML King, Savoy and Stanton. Families who are enrolled in Pre-K at these schools are also eligible for Head Start if they qualify. Families must be income eligible (at or below 100% of the federal poverty guidelines), on TANF, SNAP, or SSI, in foster care or homeless to qualify for Head Start. Head Start services include intensive case management/support, mental health and wellness services, field trips, health services, parent education and help with uniforms. Review DCPS' Head Start Annual Report for School Year 2022-2023

The DCPS Head Start program is a two-generation approach to supporting family self-sufficiency and school readiness for children. Families in Head Start have opportunities to serve on school-based Parent Committees to weigh in on program design and services. Families also can serve on a DCPS-wide Policy Council, a governing body that works with DCPS Head Start staff to design and oversee the program. 

Our Support for Families

At DCPS we know that families are children’s first and most important teachers. Family engagement and well-being are essential to children’s success in school.

All Pre-K children have access to mental health support and social work services offered through the school community. In Title I schools, families can also receive support through case management, family engagement opportunities, and connections with community-based organizations to provide additional support.

Want to learn more about Pre-K at DCPS? Curious about how you can support your child’s learning and development at home? Visit Ready for Pre-K! is an exciting DCPS initiative dedicated to helping parents and caregivers with the transition to Pre-K. Here you can find resources such as Scribbles videos, family toolkits and helpful tip sheets!