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DCPS Consolidation and Reorganization Plan - English

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

We took all the feedback that we heard very seriously. We captured thousands of remarks through our four public hearings. We heard from hundreds more through our website, office hours, and individual meetings. We met with ANC members, city council members, Local School Advisory Teams and PTAs. We reviewed dozens of proposals for modifying our plan and improving our schools. Throughout the many conversations we had, a few themes resonated across the city.

  • All of our schools should offer students the same opportunities for robust programming.
  • Our children must be safe in school and as they travel to and from school.
  • We must use all of our resources effectively so that we can support the community now and in the future. This includes better coordination with public charter schools.

Our final plan responds to these themes. It also reminds us of opportunities and challenges before us as the city’s largest public school system. The plan summarizes our outreach and feedback efforts. It includes our final consolidation plan, the rationale for changes and our next steps moving forward. 

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