The data available here will give you a snapshot of progress in DCPS schools, and offer insight as to what’s in store for DCPS.
We believe that school leaders have an immense power to positively impact the life outcomes of their students. We also believe that school leaders will be most successful if they are supported in their work.
Visit to learn about DCPS' Student Supports Division and resources available for families.
School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are comprehensive primary care clinics that are located within schools.
DCPS summer programs allow high school students to recover credit, transition from school to work, and continue to develop English language proficiency.
English learners receive services that help them attain English language proficiency and be academically successful.
Secondary transition is the process of preparing students for life after they leave high school, including participation in post-secondary education or training, employment, and community living. Secondary transition training begins in Pre-Kindergarten, with the ultimate outcome of students living independently based on their preferences, abilities and limitations.