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DC Public Schools

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Student Support Teams

We are committed to increasing the range of intervention supports available to struggling students.

School-based student support teams coordinate services and initiatives related to academics, attendance, positive school culture, and health and wellness to ensure that all students receive appropriate support and necessary intervention, from general school-wide programming through intensive wrap-around support involving a wide range of service providers.

Team Staff

The teams may be composed of:

  • Guidance counselors
  • Teachers
  • Administrators
  • Social workers
  • School nurses
  • Other support staff
  • Parents

What the Teams Do

The teams use a data-based, collaborative process to:

  • Assess student academic and/or behavioral needs
  • Identify goals
  • Design strategies for support and intervention
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions
  • Student support teams serve as an early-warning system to identify struggling students and provide them with additional support. They help schools intervene earlier with students who face challenges (e.g., academically not on grade level, chronically absent or truant, at risk for grade level retention).

Who Can Benefit

The teams organize targeted supports for students who need additional academic and behavioral help to succeed in a general education environment, but who are not currently identified as needing special education. Educators, parents or students can request assistance from the student support team.