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Collaborative for Attendance Resources in Education and Health (CARE-H)

At DC Public Schools (DCPS), we value the health and wellbeing of our students. We know that students who are healthy are better able to come to school and learn. We are pleased to share that DCPS is partnering with local doctors, nurses and DC Health on a project to support our students’ health and attendance in school. This pilot project started in school year 2017-2018 and is now available in all DCPS schools. 

CARE-H is a partnership between DCPS and local medical providers for students who are enrolled at DCPS who are current Children’s National Hospital patients. The CARE-H program aims to support student health and reduce absenteeism. Parents or guardians can give permission to DCPS to securely share attendance information with their child’s doctor(s), nurse(s) and medical office staff. This information will help these healthcare professionals to provide special outreach and medical attention to children that might be missing school and their families. 

A consent form is located in the DCPS Online School Enrollment Packet, and can also be found here

CARE-H Videos

Partnering with Children’s National to Support Student Health and Attendance: 
Watch the CARE-H Family Engagement Event video to learn how to enroll in programs to support health and attendance for your student!  For questions, contact

Asociación con Children's National para apoyar la asistencia y la salud de los estudiantes:
¡Mire este video para aprender cómo inscribirse en programas para apoyar la salud y la asistencia de su estudiante! Para más información contacto

More information is available in the documents linked below.

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