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Declaration of Intent

DCPS offers the DINR process because it helps to identify vacancies early. This information enables us to plan for the staffing season effectively and ensures that our students begin the year with fully staffed schools.

The DINR application is available to employees in the Washington Teachers’ Union (WTU), as well as school leaders (Principals and Assistant Principals) in the Council of School Officers union.

As you consider participating in the 2022 DINR application process, use this website for answers to Frequently Asked Questions and process dates at the bottom of this page. Additional information regarding the DINR may be found on page 99 of the Washington Teachers' Union Collective Bargaining Agreement and page 28 of the Council of School Officers Collective Bargaining Agreement.

If you have any additional questions regarding this process, please contact DCPS Offboarding at


DINR Process for Council of School Officers (CSO) Members

Application period begins: February 14, 2022
Application period ends: March 31, 2022

Pursuant to the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Council of School Officers (CSO) and the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS), Principals and Assistant Principals who do not intend to continue employment with DCPS the following year are required to submit a Declaration of Intent to Not Return (DINR) application no later than March 31 annually. CSO members who do not submit the DINR application by March 31, but voluntarily separate from DCPS during the 2021-2022 school year or at any point in the 2022-2023 school year are required to pay a $3,000 penalty fine to DCPS.

CSO school leaders can access the 2022 DINR application online here: DCPS Resignation and Retirement Database. Please follow the instructions on the main page of the application to submit your DINR application. DCPS will not accept any new CSO DINR applications after March 31, 2022.


DINR Process for Washington Teachers' Union (WTU) Members

Application period begins: February 14, 2022
Application period ends: April 1, 2022

Under the terms of the collective bargaining agreement between the Washington Teachers’ Union (WTU) and the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS), DCPS offers a $1,000 incentive to all WTU members (ET-15, EG-9) who notify DCPS by April 1 of their intent to resign or retire at the conclusion of the school year. WTU members who do not submit the DINR application by April 1, but voluntarily separate from DCPS during the 2021-2022 school year or at any point in the 2022-2023 school year are required to pay a $1,000 penalty fine to DCPS.

The 2022 DINR application is available for WTU members starting February 14, 2022:  DCPS Resignation and Retirement Database. Please follow the instructions on the main page of the application to submit your DINR application. DCPS will not accept any new WTU DINR applications after April 1, 2022.


2022 DINR Forms

  • Frequently Asked Questions (CSO) Learn more about the DINR process for Council of School Officers Union members (i.e., bonus eligibility, deadlines, and withdrawal procedures).
  • Frequently Asked Questions (WTU) Learn more about the DINR process for Washington Teachers' Union members (i.e., bonus eligibility, deadlines, and withdrawal procedures).
  • DCPS Employment Verifications Use this secure service to request an official verification of employment from DCPS. Also, you can easily upload your mortgage or loan applications, or any other application that requires proof of employment or income.To request your Personnel Action Form (SF-50), please contact the Offboarding Team at
  • Teachers Retirement Refund Request Complete this form if you are resigning from DCPS and you want to withdraw your retirement contributions from the DC Teachers Retirement Plan.
  • District TCC Health Benefit Rates Monthly Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC) premium rates for employees hired on or after 10/1/1987.  Rates take effect after the 31-day extended coverage period ends. 
  • District TCC Health Benefits Enrollment Form Complete this form if you are an employee hired on or after 10/1/1987 and you plan to temporarily continue your health coverage upon your resignation from DCPS. 
  • District Continuation of Life Insurance Complete this form if you are an employee hired on or after 10/1/1987 and you plan to temporarily continue your life insurance coverage upon your resignation from DCPS.
  • Federal TCC Health Benefit Rates Monthly Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC) premium rates for employees hired on or before 09/30/1987. Rates take effect after the 31 day extended coverage period ends. 
  • Federal TCC Enrollment Form[PDF] Complete this form if you are an employee hired on or before 9/30/1987 and you plan to temporarily continue your health coverage upon your resignation from DCPS.   
  • Federal Continuation of Life Insurance Complete this form if you are an employee hired on or before 9/30/1987 and you plan to temporarily continue your life insurance coverage upon your resignation from DCPS.