Preparing for Life After High School
Secondary transition is the process of preparing students for life after they leave high school, including participation in post-secondary education or training, employment, and community living. Secondary transition training begins in Pre-Kindergarten, with the ultimate outcome of students living independently based on their preferences, abilities and limitations.
Career Exposure - PreK-Grade 5
- Identify preferences
- Build employment vocabulary
- Practice teamwork skills
- Learn time management skills
- Practice classroom job skills
- Identify jobs in the community
- Identify skills needed for jobs
- Practice financial literacy
Career Exploration - Grades 6-8
- Identify potential careers
- Recognize personal abilities
- Identify personal limitations
- Practive workforce soft skills
- Identify skills needed for work
- Sample work in career interests
- Practive financial literacy
- Learn health care literacy
Career Experience - Grades 9-12
- Practice financial literacy
- Practice health care literacy
- Visit colleges & trade schools
- Build resume and cover letter
- Practice ethical behavior
- Experience paid work and interneships
- Identify supports needed for work or education with adult agency
DCPS has implemented a number of initiatives to meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities and provide them with the opportunity to improve job skills, earn credits, and to learn the self-advocacy skills needed to live as independently as possible.
For more information on special education programs and services in DCPS, please refer to the DCPS Special Education Family Guide.
If you have any questions about transition services, programs, and supports, please email the Transition team at [email protected].