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Panorama Survey

The Panorama Spring 2025 Surveys for families, teachers, staff, and students are open NOW through March 28!

  • Families: Take the family survey at This year’s survey is also part of OSSE’s statewide school survey initiative, DC Says. Please take the survey once for each public or public charter school where you have a student enrolled.
  • Students (grades 3 and up): Access the survey through Clever on a DCPS student device.
  • Teachers and Staff: Check your email for your unique survey link emailed directly from Panorama Education (and weekly reminders).

Parents and guardians have the right to opt students out of the survey. Scroll down for details and instructions. To learn more about the survey and why it matters, you can view district-level results for student and family surveys at

What are the Panorama Surveys?

To guide our work with the more than 51,000 families who choose DCPS for their student, the DCPS Capital Commitment focuses on three priorities: ensuring scholars are succeeding academically, connected to school, and prepared for what's next. Our stakeholder surveys measure progress toward those goals and gather feedback from our community. Since 2017-18, the surveys have been administered in partnership with Panorama Education and are collectively referred to as our Panorama Surveys.

Who takes the Panorama Surveys?

Students in grades 3 and up only take surveys in the fall and spring. In spring, families of students in all grades, teachers, non-instructional school staff, school leaders, and Central Services staff all take Panorama surveys.

How do students opt out of taking the surveys?

Parents and guardians have the right to opt students out of the survey. Students 18 or older can opt themselves out of the survey. In school year 2024-25, if you opted out in the fall, you do not need to fill out the form again. Fill out this form to opt out: Spring 2025 Panorama Student Survey Opt-Out Form. To fill out the form, you will need your child’s DCPS student ID.

What’s in the survey?

The survey for students asks questions about how students perceive themselves and their experience at their schools. The surveys for families and staff ask about their engagement and experiences with DCPS.

How are results from the survey used?

The district and our schools use the Panorama Surveys to track progress on our goals, including the Capital Commitment strategic priority that students should feel connected to their school. The student survey is the primary measurement of whether students feel safe and a sense of belonging. Many Central Services teams use feedback from the surveys and topics relevant to their work to monitor progress and plan for the future.

Principals and school teams use the results to decide on new interventions and programs to improve school climate and social emotional learning, and many schools incorporate Panorama goals from both student and family surveys into their Comprehensive School Plans each year. The Student Success portal, part of DCPS’s multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS), allows teachers to see students’ SEL scale scores side-by-side with attendance, behavior, and academic data to better plan interventions to support individual students. Teachers cannot see how a student answered individual questions.

As of school year 2024-25, the spring surveys are also part of the statewide school climate survey initiative from the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), DC Says. Results from some topics will be shared with OSSE and added to OSSE’s school profiles. Read more from OSSE here: Statewide School Climate Surveys | osse.

Where can I see survey results?

  • Families and members of the public can now view district-level results from the Family and Student Panorama Surveys on the Panorama portal at! Explore district-level results on the Student Satisfaction Index, our SEL scales, the Loved, Challenged, and Prepared Index, and the Family Engagement scale, including the individual questions that make up each scale, as well as breakdowns of responses by different student subgroups.
  • All DCPS Central Services and school staff can view district- and school-level results for the student survey on the Panorama portal. Visit to access your account.
  • Survey reports from 2014 through 2022 are available at the bottom of this page.
  • In December 2025, OSSE will add results from the DC Says survey, including some topics from DCPS Panorama Surveys, to school profiles.

Previous Survey Results

Visit the Panorama portal at to explore district-level results from past Family and Student Panorama Surveys.

Survey Reports (downloadable as PDFs)

Stakeholder Survey Reports (downloadable as PDFs)

Aggregate Data (downloadable as Excel spreadsheets)

Thanks for your interest in the DCPS Panorama Survey! Please email [email protected] with questions.