Friday, March 3, 2023
What does the Common Core mean for your child?
In the classroom, our educators are ready and waiting to give all students the knowledge and skills needed for success in college, careers, and life. We believe that a combination of excellent teaching, strong standards, and active student and family participation combine into a potent recipe for success.
Since we are committed to providing our students with a rigorous education, DC has joined 40+ other states and five territories in adopting a new set of standards, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
These standards lay out what students should know and be able to do in kindergarten through twelfth grade. The new standards will help parents, teachers and community members understand what students should learn each year.
Also, because so many states have adopted the Common Core State Standards, we will be able to compare our students’ achievements to those of students around the country. Adopting the Common Core State Standards will have a major impact on the quality of education we provide our students.