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Amelia Hunt

Amelia Hunt

Stevens Early Learning Center and Military Road Early Learning Center

Amelia L. Hunt's enthusiasm for children and their development underscores her strong belief in meeting the needs of all learners. A 3rd generation educator and school administrator, Hunt provides dedicated, innovative leadership that has resulted in expanded community partnerships, a positive school climate, increased family engagement and, most significantly, high student achievement. As principal of Lee Hall Early Childhood Center (2011-2014), Hunt guided the staff through a total curriculum revision and established the school's first library. She transitioned to the leadership role at Denbigh Early Childhood Center in 2014, where she led the development of a school garden and outdoor classroom that has garnered recognition throughout the region. Hunt continues her focus on excellence for children as principal at General Stanford Elementary School (GSES), a K-5 school located on Ft. Eustis military base, where she partnered with Armed Services YMCA to initiate GSES' Operation Hero after-school program for military-connected children.

See more new principals for SY 21-22!