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DC Public Schools

OCTO is aware of the global issue with CrowdStrike’s update impacting Windows servers and computers. CrowdStrike has identified the issue and a fix. We are supporting District agencies to ensure operations continue. At this time, District operations are not experiencing major impacts.

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Devin Johnson

Devin JohnsonWhen Devin Johnson started her senior year, she says she wasn’t sure what she would be doing after graduation. With the help of Ms. Oguara, the DC College Access Program advisor, Devin created a plan and will enroll at the University of the District of Columbia (UDC) for two years before transferring to Louisiana State University to major in fire and EMS. Speaking about Ms. Oguara’s impact, Devin says “She shared scholarships, helped me figure out housing, kept me on track my grades, and helped me get in. She helped with everything.” After college, Devin is interested in pursuing a career as a firefighter because it gives her the opportunity to have a positive impact in a career that is different every day. “I’ve always liked helping people,” says Devin. During her time at Eastern High School, Devin has studied forensic science, where she learned information about how to solve crimes through toxicology, blood splatter analysis, and the study of the human body. Devin says that her teachers have shaped her time at Eastern. “We have great activities, great teachers, and great programs. They really help you and want to see you go far.” Her advice to younger students is to take their ninth grade courses seriously. “Ninth grade is your most important year because it’s the basis for your GPA. Stay on top of everything.” #DCPSGoesToCollege

See more graduating seniors!