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DC Public Schools

Due to weather conditions, all DCPS schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 7.
Debido a las condiciones meteorológicas, todas las escuelas de las DCPS estarán cerradas el martes 7 de enero.


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Eric Taylor

Eric Taylor is a School Maintenance Worker at H.D. Cooke Elementary School.

Mr. Eric Taylor is the school maintenance worker at H.D. Cooke Elementary School, where he has spent 14 of his 29 years in DCPS. He admires his administrative leaders and teaching colleagues for the positive learning environment they provide for all students.

Mr. Taylor credits his dedication partly to his father and stepfather, who both taught him the importance of strong ethics, and who helped him develop a sense of ownership and pride in his work. He shares, “I am proud of the work I do, and I know that providing a safe and clean environment in the schools means that teachers can teach and students can learn.”

Mr. Taylor says that the knowledge and skills he has acquired during his tenure with DCPS afford him the ability to perform numerous tasks inside and out of his job description. His colleagues note that he continually goes above and beyond for the students, often performing tasks that are neither required nor expected of him. Students, teachers, administrators alike adore him for his dedication, high-quality work, and willingness to help in whatever way he can.