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DC Public Schools

OCTO is aware of the global issue with CrowdStrike’s update impacting Windows servers and computers. CrowdStrike has identified the issue and a fix. We are supporting District agencies to ensure operations continue. At this time, District operations are not experiencing major impacts.

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Jessica Amaya

Jessica AmayaDescribing Columbia Heights Education Campus (CHEC), Jessica Amaya says the words that come to mind are “welcoming, social justice, and equity.” Jessica says, “Our school curriculum causes us to think empathetically and take off our shoes and try on someone else’s.” During her time at CHEC, Jessica has focused on community service, an activity that she says she enjoys particularly when she sees the end product and the reaction from those that she is helping. Jessica will enroll at Georgetown University this fall in the School of Nursing and Health Studies with a major in global health, an interest that she says is connected to the four opportunities that she has had to travel abroad during her time at DCPS. Through a trip to Spain with the CHEC soccer team, Russia with DC Scores, the Bahamas for a CHEC community service project, and the Dominican Republic through DCPS Study Abroad, Jessica has traveled the world and been exposed to different cultures. Even before starting classes, Jessica is excited about the opportunity to meet new people. “I’m most excited about having a roommate, building a relationship with a stranger, and hopefully finding a lifelong friend.” #DCPSGoesToCollege

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