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DC Public Schools
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Kenneth Robinson

Kenneth Robinson is a Fourth Grade Teacher at Hendley Elementary School.

Mr. Kenneth Robinson has spent his entire 20-year teaching career at Hendley Elementary School. Before teaching, Mr. Robinson graduated from Bowie State University with a degree in business but knew he couldn’t be happy working in a small cubicle and wanted to do more for his community.

Mr. Robinson was inspired to become a teacher by his wife, a teacher herself at the time, who highlighted his talents as an artist and his ability to explain concepts to children. He was placed at Hendley through Teach For America in 1993 and shares, “I fell in love with the community and the kids, and I knew I could teach for the rest of my life. I felt more respect for being a teacher than I could ever imagine.”

Mr. Robinson loves seeing his students learn to respect the power of education. Even when they fight his efforts at first, he knows that eventually they’ll be fighting him to teach them more and more. The real payoff comes when students come back to visit—especially those who have enrolled in Bowie State!