Luis Estrada’s passion for the sciences is evident from the moment you meet him. “I really love STEM,” says Luis, a graduating senior at Benjamin Banneker High School. “Everything about STEM makes me really happy.” He is drawn to the “idea of the unknown” and how building an experiment can expand our understanding of the world around us. Whether it has been his IB biology and chemistry classes or the Smithsonian’s Youth Engagement through Science program, Luis has taken advantage of every STEM opportunity that has come his way both inside and outside of the classroom. Luis won’t have to wait to start classes at Pomona College as a QuestBridge Match Scholar to continue his passion for STEM. This summer, he will be conducting research on proteins and DNA through the National Institutes of Health’s High School Scientific Training and Enrichment Program 2.0. Thinking back on his time at Banneker, he says that he has undergone a “metamorphosis” through which he became a stronger writer, thinker, and overall scholar. His advice for younger students? “Don’t be afraid. If you have an opportunity, please do not let it go to waste.” #DCPSGoesToCollege