Whether it is through a persuasive essay or poetry, Harvier Miller-Daye says his English courses at Luke C. Moore have always provided him with opportunities to “articulate and express” himself. His favorite moments have been when he is able to support his peers by being able to “shine a light” on topics when they are struggling. During his time at Luke C. Moore, he has appreciated his teachers showing “they really care about your life outside of school and helping you graduate.” This fall, Harvier will enroll at Lincoln University, a school that he chose because of its prestigious history as the first degree-granting historically black university, as well as because of its “family atmosphere.” He wants to study psychology with a focus on early childhood development because he is interested in learning how people’s childhood experiences impact their future interactions and behavior. In the future, Harvier would like to apply this knowledge to become a behavior analyst. He wants to encourage younger students to take the steps necessary to prepare themselves for college or a career of their choice, “Education is a necessity to become successful. Remain motivated and dedicated and remember why you’re here.” #DCPSGoesToCollege