For Andonny Garcia’s senior capstone project at Wilson High School, he created a robotic hand that can be controlled by sensors on a glove worn by the user. This project was the culmination of his engineering coursework at Wilson where Andonny says he was drawn to enroll because of the school’s Science, Math, and Technology (SciMaTech) Academy. During his engineering courses at Wilson, Andonny says that he has enjoyed the satisfaction he gets from solving a problem and backing up the solution with data. When he enrolls at Yale University this fall, Andonny plans on double majoring in mechanical engineering and computer science because “you can create something and then bring it to life through programming.” In addition to his focus on engineering, Andonny has also found the time to give back to his school community. One of the highlights of Andonny’s time at Wilson has been his involvement in Estudiante a Estudiante, a program through which he tutored Spanish-speaking students at Wilson. “They would teach me the [math] phrases in Spanish and I would teach them how to use them. Math is one of my favorite subjects, so it was really nice to be able to spread that joy.” #DCPSGoesToCollege