Through Roosevelt High School’s Dream Team, Clau Diah Buenconsejo coordinated a public art project within the school “to celebrate the people who are really inspiring in this school and who help make changes in the school.” Clau Diah says this project, which includes pictures and quotes of the featured individuals, is one of the ways that she aims to leave her mark on the school. In addition to the Dream Team, Clau Diah has been involved in Roosevelt’s music program, playing both the flute and the saxophone. “Music motivated me to come to school,” Clau Diah says. Clau Diah will take the next step in her academic career this fall at George Washington University as one of 10 DC students to receive the Stephen Joel Trachtenberg Scholarship, which covers tuition, books, and room and board. She says that she is looking forward to “joining clubs and doing community service” on campus. Clau Diah was drawn to George Washington University because of the time that she spent around the campus. “I always see the Milken Building and see professors and students interacting and wondered what it feels like to study there.” This fall, she will have an opportunity to find out. #DCPSGoesToCollege