Anthony Robinson’s time at Roosevelt STAY High School has been shaped by two championship seasons – first on the bowling team, and then on the basketball team. He says the basketball championship season started off rocky without enough players to create a team. “We all stuck together and helped each other out in school and on the court,” he says. This fall, Anthony will take on a new challenge when he enrolls at Johnson C. Smith University. Anthony says he became interested in the school because of the school’s strong business program. His goal is to start his own business, and he is excited to continue to learn the skills he will need to succeed. When Anthony talks with his friends who aren’t currently enrolled in school and are interested in earning a diploma, he says he always recommends Roosevelt STAY because of the dedicated teachers and programming that other schools don’t offer like the culinary arts or cosmetology. Even when Anthony has faced obstacles, he says he always stays focused on his goals. “I think about my future and where I came from and how I want to be in the future, so that’s how I stay motivated.” #DCPSGoesToCollege