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DC Public Schools

OCTO is aware of the global issue with CrowdStrike’s update impacting Windows servers and computers. CrowdStrike has identified the issue and a fix. We are supporting District agencies to ensure operations continue. At this time, District operations are not experiencing major impacts.

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Toya Tanner

Toya TannerEven before she joined the student body at Roosevelt High School, Toya met Ms. Woodard, the school’s librarian, through an afterschool course called Real World History. When Toya enrolled at Roosevelt, she said that Ms. Woodard “welcomed [her] with such open arms.” During Toya’s time at Roosevelt, Ms. Woodard says she that “her energy is contagious.” Toya has appreciated and taken advantage of the many programs that the school offers. Through a partnership with the Urban Alliance, Toya is an intern at the Children’s Hospital Child and Adolescent Protection Center three days a week. She says the program taught her skills to prepare her for professional success including how to use Microsoft Excel, how to write a professional email, and a work-appropriate dress code. When Toya enrolls at North Carolina A&T University this fall, Toya plans on exploring her interests in biology and genetics. She says that the school’s Scholars Day in February convinced her it was the right fit after she was able to learn about the research the school was doing and meet with the faculty. “That’s really what influenced me the most because I got a sense of what I would be doing as a biology major.” Toya wants to encourage other students to pursue success by focusing on their goals. “You need to begin with your goals in mind because that’s what’s going to keep you going.” #DCPSGoesToCollege

See more graduating seniors!