When Tenyeh Dixon, a student at H.D. Woodson High School, visited the campus of the University of Virginia (UVA) with his family, he says he was blown away by what he saw. “It was like a dream, everything about it.” Tenyeh says that he chose UVA for its “outstanding” academics and because of the brotherhood and energy that he saw on the football team. “I’m most excited about the work, the opportunity to learn more” both on and off the field, Tenyeh says. He will leave for UVA the day after he graduates from H.D. Woodson to begin training with the school’s football team. During his time at H.D. Woodson, Tenyeh has participated in the NAF Engineering Academy, which he says made learning fun through hands-on activities like building cranes and programming robots. Tenyeh says one of his favorite memories from high school was participating in We The People, an event where students traveled to act as lawyers and present a case. As the first person in his family to go to college, Tenyeh says he will “push through by staying persistent” and by staying true to himself. “I’ve never liked being anybody else but me.” #DCPSGoesToCollege