The Student Behavior Team provides a variety of professional learning opportunities for schools to build capacity around proactive approaches to create a positive school environment and responding to student behavior through a restorative lens. Professional development is available to all DCPS schools and stakeholders during the DCPS professional development days and by school/cluster request.
The trainings offered are as follows:
Restorative Practices (RP):
- 101: Getting Grounded
- 102: Facilitating Circles
- 103: Restorative Practices in the School Environment
- 104: Restorative Conversations
- 105: Trauma Responsive Schools through a Restorative Practices Len
- Building Caring Classroom Community
Bullying Prevention Point of Contacts
- Understanding Bullying Prevention Policy
- Effective bullying investigation tactics
Crisis Prevention Intervention
- Verbal De-escalation
- Physical Restraint and Seclusion
Targeted School Violence Assessment
- Keeping our schools safe
Student Behavior Tracker/Chapter 25
- Understanding DCMR Chapter 25 and Student Fair Access to Schools Act
- Supporting and Managing Student Behavior
In-School Suspension
- Implementing an Effective Trauma Responsive In-School Suspension Space
If you would like to request a training for your school or school community, please email [email protected].