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DC Public Schools

Due to weather conditions, all DCPS schools will be closed on Wednesday, February 12. // Debido a las condiciones climáticas, todas las escuelas de las DCPS estarán cerradas el miércoles 12 de febrero.


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DC Public Schools Opens Enrollment for the 2022-2023 School Year

Friday, April 1, 2022

DC Public Schools (DCPS) encourages families to plan for next school year and complete their enrollment for the 2022-2023 School Year. Students who are currently enrolled in DCPS or received a match through the My School DC Lottery can visit the website — — to easily submit enrollment forms electronically to their DCPS school for SY22-23. The DCPS enrollment packet is available in multiple languages.

Unsure on how to enroll in your school? Watch this short video, available in English and Spanish, to get started and enroll today.

“DCPS is excited to provide our students with supportive and enriching environments to learn heading into the 2022-2023 School Year,” said Chancellor Lewis Ferebee. “Enrolling now helps schools do even more thorough and thoughtful planning to ensure every student receives the best education in the District of Columbia.”

Already this year at DCPS, students had an out of this world experience with NASA astronauts, held class with President Joe Biden, and toured the White House with First Lady Dr. Jill Biden. Students also received their COVID-19 vaccine with President Barack Obama and Dr. Anthony Fauci, cheered on the Washington Commanders, and talked about mental health awareness on Nick News.

Enrollment is now open at DCPS for the upcoming school year, and My School DC lottery results are also available. Families should review their lottery results and enroll in their matched school or re-enroll in their DCPS school. Families that receive a lottery match have until Monday, May 2 to secure their seat. Visit for more information and enrollment support, including how to complete enrollment electronically or in-person for next school year.

Families should also save the date for Enrollment Saturday on April 23. Schools across the district will open to support families to answer enrollment questions. DCPS Enrollment Saturday information will be available online at

Follow @DCPublicSchools on social media to learn more about upcoming enrollment events and information for next school year.