(WASHINGTON, DC) — Last August, DC Public Schools (DCPS) launched a year-long journey of reflection and refinement to produce the next iteration of the district’s five-year strategic plan. Throughout the fall, DCPS hosted listening sessions across the District with families, students, staff, and residents to receive community feedback that will help serve as a guide in the development of the strategic plan. Today, DCPS is sharing that feedback in a “What We Heard” engagement report.
“We are living and educating in a transformative time, and DC Public Schools is prepared to adapt and set a course forward,” said Chancellor Ferebee. “We are appreciative of what we heard from our community—the feedback and ideas compiled in this report will help to inform the development of a strategic plan that our stakeholders can be proud of. This plan will further cement our school district’s commitment to both equity and excellence.”
The Capital Commitment Strategic Plan, first launched in 2012 and refined in 2017, declared DCPS’ earnest efforts to become a school system centered around educational equity and student achievement. To complete this year’s version, soliciting the community’s input was a top priority.
DCPS hosted six family and community listening sessions, four student listening sessions, 21 staff listening sessions, a DCPS principal session, a community block party, and an online survey to gather qualitative input for the engagement process. Participants represented a cross-section of all eight wards in the District, with significant participation from family and community members.
To review a complete “What We Heard” summary, visit: dcpsstrong.com/strategic-plan
With the engagement phase completed, the district’s next steps are to begin crafting and drafting a plan for the community’s feedback in the spring. DCPS will work to finalize the next strategic plan before the start of the 2023-2024 school year.