Contact: Melissa Salmanowitz | 202-535-1096
DCPS today issued a Facts and Figures Budget Guide to explain and provide details about DCPS’ Fiscal Year 2014 budget proposal and plans for the upcoming school year.
District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) today issued a Facts and Figures Budget Guide to explain and provide details about DCPS’ Fiscal Year 2014 budget proposal and plans for the upcoming school year. The Facts and Figures Budget Guide includes information about the investments DCPS will make to spur student achievement as well as information about spending in each office.
The budget for the 2013-2014 school year includes investments in three key areas: recruiting, retaining and rewarding highly effective educators and school leaders, providing rigorous instruction with a focus on literacy, and ensuring our schools motivate student and engage families. These investments were outlined in an opinion piece in Sunday’s Washington Post by DCPS Chancellor Kaya Henderson.
“Our budget proposal reflects input from parents, community members, and teachers. It sets us on a course to meet the goals we established in A Capital Commitment,” said Henderson. “Most importantly, it balances the investments we make to ensure that all students have access to the opportunities they deserve.”
The guide provides an overview of revenues and costs compared to the original and revised FY 2013 budget. The guide, paired with resources on the DCPS website that provide individual school budgets in a sortable format, offers rich information to help parents and community members understand and participate in the work DCPS is doing.
To read the guide, click here.