You might see them first thing in the morning, welcoming students. Later in the day, you might spot them in the hall with one hand on a walkie-talkie, another hand waving at a student. You might see them sitting in on classrooms, observing teachers so they can walk through the lesson later. These are our assistant principals, behind-the-scenes players who help keep schools running, students learning, and families supported. “There’s a rhythm to the madness,” said Ms. Mayhew of Lafayette ES. “It’s jam-packed, exciting, but never boring when every moment is spent with or in service to my students, families and teachers,” said Ms. Chen of Kelly Miller. Read on to learn about a few of our fearless Assistant Principals.
Anna Krughoff was a Master Educator before coming to Marie Reed. She’s passionate about literacy in particular. In the past, she’s evaluated dual language programs and taught overseas. She’s also worked at Brent, Eaton, and Oyster Adams.
Most Rewarding Moment
I love seeing students come in the morning-- they smile and tell me how much they’ve read. I don’t think there is anything greater than watching a child learn how to read. You see that lightbulb light right up! When a child shares their excitement-- that outweighs every other challenge. I wish more people knew the challenges some of our children endure—and more so, how they persevere and how they still love school. They go through so much outside of school, and yet they still thrive.
My School is Awesome Because…
For me, it’s the whole community that makes Reed so special. We can’t do it without our fabulous teachers, staff, parents, or students. We are all here for one mission: to give our kids the ultimate excellence beyond excellence to get them to a great job or university. We have an all hands on deck approach. And as a result, the kids here love to learn.
Lafayette ES
Stephanie Mayhew had two plans in life: education or medical school. Education won, and she’s spent the last 14 years in schools. She started in Prince George’s County but is now in her 4th year at DCPS. After spending time at King ES and Central Office, she landed at Lafayette.
Most Rewarding Moment
I love the students. The little ones will tell me they made fruit salad because they just learned about nutrition. They’ll show me their art projects. We have about 700 kids here, and there are lots of pieces moving at all times to make sure we meet their needs, but it’s always worth it.
My School Is Awesome Because…
The kids are the best. They’re warm and friendly. They are always willing to share their lunch. There’s also a real community at Lafayette. Parents are really invested. I’m happy every day. As long as there are children here, I’ll be here.
Anacostia HS
Kris Comeforo did not plan to fall in love with education. But he fell hard and is now in his third year as an assistant principal at Anacostia, after originally arriving there as a science teacher. Thinking back, he isn’t surprised—both of his parents were public school teachers. The passion seems to run in the family.
Most Rewarding Moment
Some of the students I’ve taught are now in college. These are kids who had been struggling. Some may have written them off. But the students come back and show me their transcripts with above 3.0 GPAs! It’s the best thing in the world. They are so proud.
My School is Awesome Because…
We have the best students in the city. People often have preconceived notions about what our students are like. But I’ll tell you-- the students here are so much fun to be around for so many reasons. They persevere. They are more talented and gifted than I was, and they deal with so many other things as well. A lot of people assume that I’m dealing with behavior all day, but most of my work is spent on teacher practice and instruction. I wish more people knew how rewarding the work is and how much impact it can have. I really, really love this school. There’s a lot of positive change and it’s exciting that I get to be a part of it.
Kelly Miller MS
Elke Chen got the education bug from Teach For America. “Once I stepped into the classroom, I became passionate about schools,” she said. Ms. Chen was a special education teacher at Ballou for four years before pursuing her doctoral studies. She came back to DCPS as instructional coach and then became an assistant principal.
Most Rewarding Moment
When students get in trouble, I talk to them and process with them why that particular response or interaction wasn’t right. I help them figure out what they could do better, how they can think ahead and what they can do differently. Afterward, they’ll come back and tell me they used the tools we talked about. I enjoy teaching them skills they can use outside the classroom.
My School Is Awesome Because…
I love the students. They’re very frank and honest. They push my thinking to make sure we’re doing 110 percent to help them succeed. I also love the staff and the Kelly Miller family I work with. There’s not a harder-working staff out there. This is a job that takes a lot of energy and heart, but with great reward.