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Due to weather conditions, all DCPS schools will be closed on Monday, January 6.
Debido a las condiciones meteorológicas, todas las escuelas de las DCPS estarán cerradas el lunes 6 de enero.


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Thirteen DC Public Schools Extend Learning Time for School Year 2017-2018

Monday, August 14, 2017

Contact: Janae Hinson (202) 853-1045

(Washington, DC) – Today marks the first day of school for more than 4,000 students on the extended-year calendar. Students at extended-year schools will benefit from additional classroom learning time across all subjects – from math and English language arts, to world language and music. 

The 13 schools with extended year in School Year 2017-2018 are:

  • Garfield Elementary School (Ward 8)
  • H.D. Cooke Elementary School (Ward 1)
  • Hart Middle School (Ward 8)
  • Hendley Elementary School (Ward 8)
  • Johnson Middle School (Ward 8)
  • Kelly Miller Middle School (Ward 7)
  • King Elementary School (Ward 8)
  • Luke C. Moore High School (Ward 5)
  • Randle Highlands Elementary School (Ward 7)
  • Raymond Education Campus (Ward 4)
  • Roosevelt STAY High School (Ward 4)
  • Thomas Elementary School (Ward 7)
  • Turner Elementary School (Ward 8)

Aimed at eliminating summer learning loss, the extended-year calendar offers extra support for the students who need it most. The academic school year is extended from 180 to 200 days, and breaks are added throughout the school year to accompany the traditional winter and spring breaks. Students who attend an extended-year school starting in kindergarten gain an additional year of learning by the time they reach the 8th grade.

“I’m so proud of the work our extended-year schools and staff have done to keep students engaged in learning over the summer. I have seen first-hand how they took advantage of extra time with students to build deeper relationships, try new classroom innovations, and offer enrichment opportunities,” said Chancellor Antwan Wilson. “In the second year of the extended-year calendar, I look forward to another opportunity to strengthen our academic and social-emotional supports for students in our highest-need schools.” 

In School Year 2017-2018, two Opportunity Academies – Roosevelt STAY High School and Luke C. Moore High School – joined the cohort of extended-year schools as part of DCPS’ effort to invest more in over-age, under-credited students. This year, DCPS will ensure all students at Opportunity Academies have a clear path to graduation by: 

  • Providing Summit Personalized Learning, an instructional program that integrates high-quality, individualized digital learning in all core subjects; 
  • Offering specialized programming to prepare students for college and the workplace; and
  • Providing students with increased out-of-class opportunities, including paid internships and expanded athletics programs.

“Extended school year at Roosevelt STAY High School is about opportunity and access,” said DeWayne Little, principal of Roosevelt STAY High School. “Students have the opportunity to stay connected to a warm and welcoming environment and receive a dynamic, personalized educational experience where their academic and social-emotional needs are met.”

In addition to extending the school year, new middle school investments for Fiscal Year 2018 means more exposure to advanced courses and extracurricular activities for students in middle grades. Expanded engineering, computer science, and algebra courses will increase exposure to STEM education. Every middle school student will be able to participate in an extracurricular activity with added club opportunities and sports, like coding, wrestling, and lacrosse. 

“At Johnson Middle School, we truly understand that love and kindness must be present and evident before true learning can take place,” said Courtney Taylor, Principal of Johnson Middle School. “As we begin another extended school year, our scholars will not only become stronger academically, but also believe in the endless possibilities for their lives.” 

School will start on Monday, August 21 for the remaining 102 DCPS schools.

For more information, follow @DCPublicSchools on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and use #DCPSRising to see the learning happening at our extended-year schools.