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DC Public Schools

DC Public Schools will be open Wednesday, January 8 as scheduled
Las Escuelas Públicas del D.C. abrirán el miércoles 8 de enero según lo previsto.


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Public Input on DCPS Policies

DC Public Schools (DCPS) is committed to ensuring that all students have access to rigorous and joyful learning opportunities within a safe, welcoming, and discrimination-free environment. In preparation for the 2021-2022 School Year, DCPS created two policies critical to ensuring students understand the protections and rights afforded to them as they return fully to in-person learning.

Anti-Discrimination Policy

This policy expands and deepens DCPS’ standard Notice of Non-Discrimination in support of the agency’s commitment to becoming an anti-racist organization. The policy addresses the prohibition of and appropriate response to defined acts of discrimination including disability discrimination (Title II); discrimination based on race, color and national origin (Title VI); sex-based discrimination (Title IX) and applicable DC Human Rights categories. Use the following links to view the policy in English and Spanish:

This draft of the Anti-Discrimination Policy has been translated from its original English in order to facilitate comments and feedback from the non-English-reading public. While DCPS has made reasonable efforts to provide an accurate translation of the original English material, slight differences may exist due to the nuances involved in translating to another language. To the extent any such discrepancies or differences exist, the English version shall be understood to contain DCPS’ true intent. If there are any concerns regarding the accuracy of the information presented within the translated versions of this document, please refer to the English version of the document.

Preventing and Addressing Student-on-Student Acts of Sexual Harassment Sexual Assault and Dating Violence Policy

This policy addresses the prohibition of, and appropriate response to, sexual harassment, sexual assault and dating violence. The policy clearly defines prohibited sexual behavior occurring between students and includes behaviors not covered by current Title IX regulations. It is a requirement of the 2018 School Safety Omnibus Act.

Use the following links to view the policy in English and Spanish:

This draft of the Preventing and Addressing Student-on-Student Acts of Sexual Harassment Sexual Assault and Dating Violence Policy has been translated from its original English in order to facilitate comments and feedback from the non-English-reading public. While DCPS has made reasonable efforts to provide an accurate translation of the original English material, slight differences may exist due to the nuances involved in translating to another language. To the extent any such discrepancies or differences exist, the English version shall be understood to contain DCPS’ true intent. If there are any concerns regarding the accuracy of the information presented within the translated versions of this document, please refer to the English version of the document.

Open Public Comment Period

DCPS has released both draft policies for public comment. Members of the public can review the draft policy and submit comments through this form between June 30 and July 16.