Dual enrollment programs allow DCPS high school students the ability to take college level courses at no cost while still in high school and earn transferable college credits. Programming is available to students across all 21 high schools in the district with universities setting their own admissions criteria and selection processes. Dual Credit is a component of Dual Enrollment that allows students to earn both high school and college credits.
The following dual enrollment programs allow students to earn high school & college credits simultaneously by default (no request form required):
- Advanced Technical Center (ATC)
- Ed Equity
- Early College Programming
The following dual enrollment programs are for college credits only by default. Students interested in receiving high school credit for their participation in the programs below must complete the Dual Credit Request Form:
DCPS students who enroll in college courses outside of the DCPS Dual Enrollment programming listed above are required to follow the same semester deadlines as DCPS Dual Enrollment participants. Those students looking to earn high school credit must meet with their school counselor to initiate the dual credit request.
NOTE: Policy updates implemented in SY24-25 allow students participating in college courses outside of DCPS Dual Enrollment programming to request to receive high school credit within the DCPS Dual Credit deadlines on page 2. This change is not retroactive and cannot be requested for courses previously completed before the Fall 2024 term.
Should a student enrolled in a dual-credit-by-default program choose to pursue college credit ONLY, they must complete the Dual Credit Opt-Out Request Form, located on page 3, with signed approval from the parent/legal guardian, school counselor or principal, and DCPS Central Services Dual Enrollment Coordinator within the semester deadlines. Students who complete this form are opting out of receiving high school credit.
When taking a college course for Dual Credit, students and families understand that grades earned will be reported on the official DCPS high school transcript regardless of the grade earned (A through F, including withdrawals) and that DCPS credit will only be awarded for approved courses which are completed and passed with a grade of C or better. This grade will be calculated with the weight of an AP course as a part of each student’s GPA.
A Dual Enrollment course not taken for Dual Credit does not affect the student’s high school GPA, and students will only earn college credit upon successful course completion. Students interested in earning both high school and college credits for their Dual Enrollment course are able to request Dual Credit. To request dual credit, a student must receive approval from their parent/legal guardian, school counselor or principal, and DCPS Central Services Dual Enrollment Coordinator via completion of this form (page 2) before the deadline.
- Deadline to request dual credit for a Fall 2024 Dual Enrollment course: January 27, 2025
- Deadline to request dual credit for a Spring 2025 Dual Enrollment course: June 18, 2025
- Deadline to request dual credit for a Summer 2025 Dual Enrollment course: November 3, 2025
Student Requirements:
- Prior to submission of this form, the student must meet with their school counselor to discuss the dual credit request and determine if Dual Credit is an appropriate/approved option.
- This form must be completed with signed permission from the school counselor or principal, parent/legal guardian, & student and must be submitted from the counselor to Karime Naime (Director, DCPS College Prep & Persists; karime.naime@k12.dc.gov).